“Weathering the storm, waiting for sunshine to come, Gull River, Minden, Ontario, June 2020”
$600 for a jpg file for single online use. Pavel Muller retains all rights. $700 for printed image up to 17”x 22” (full bleed at 17”x22”) printed on fine art archival paper using archival pigment.
“Rebirth, Gull River, Minden, June 2020”
$600 for a jpg file for single online use. Pavel Muller retains all rights. $700 for printed image up to 17”x 22” (full bleed at 17”x22”) printed on fine art archival paper using archival pigment.
“Cofusion, Minden, Ontario, June 2020”
$600 for a jpg file for single online use. Pavel Muller retains all rights. $700 for printed image up to 17”x 22” (full bleed at 17”x22”) printed on fine art archival paper using archival pigment.
I honestly tried to create something with a sanguine motive for this exhibition. The truth is, I do feel confused, lost, sad, worried, and angry. I do not feel optimistic too often. The world on which my core believes are built seems to have been replaced by a new world where:
● Racism, intolerance, bigotry, hate, and aggression have been dirty words during my 3 and a half scores of years. Now they have been repainted as nationalism and became suddenly acceptable around the world.
● Democracy, its principles, and its institutions are in my view the greatest accomplishments of humankind, easily overshadowing the architectural wonders of the world. Yet these accomplishments have come under systematic and successful attacks in recent years. This is happening with the help of enablers that should have the knowledge and morals to do better.
● Alliances built on decades of trust have been systematically assaulted from within, benefiting only the enemies of democracies.
● Blatant, easily provable lies have become accepted alternatives to truth
● In many people’s minds rights are uncoupled from responsibilities. Your right not to wear a mask does not grant you the right to endanger the lives of others you encounter.
● Incompetent leadership and undisciplined individuals have allowed the pandemic to infect nearly 13 million people worldwide and to kill over half a million people. And things are still getting worse.
● The widespread pandemic has seriously harmed the economies of well to do countries and brought misery to poor countries.
In the light of all that, should we feel sanguine? Not if feeling sanguine means feeling complacent or accepting. Still, it is only human not to lose hope that the world will return to its normal level of imperfection. Things eventually do turn around, often when you least expect it. So perhaps some optimism is OK.
Please look at my images in the light of the thoughts and emotions expressed here.
Pavel Muller