10” x 8” , Fiber Arts
“Wisp of Smoke”
12” x 12” , Fiber Arts
Wise Women Teach”: Babies and children take lessons from women from the time birth. School are closed due to COVID 19. On-line classes try to fill the breach. However, especially young children miss their teachers. Most teachers in early grade school are Wise Women.
“Silhouette”: The ambiguity of this composition allows us to see alternating positive and negative elements. Searching for those alternates may be akin to our search for a solution to the COVID 19 Pandemic.
“Wisp of Smoke”: A wisp of smoke from a genii’s lamp is mysterious, magical and regales us with fantastical stories. The search for the secrets to solve the worst worldwide health scurge in our life times, may be only slightly less difficult to decipher.
Kacey Cowdrey