“Art of Detritus: Recycling with Imagination"
Curated by Vernita Nemec
A Virtual Show Exhibition
April 21–
Press Release
Denise Adler“Hope is all that is left”
40” x 30” x 1.5”, Mixed media on canvas
Based on the myth of Pandora, Zeus wanted to punish humanity (that’s a longer story)so he matches Pandora a wise, beautiful, kind, generous and above all curious goddess with Prometheus, Zeus gave the couple a “gift” with instructions never to open it, Pandora’s fate was sealed, she opened the box and all the evils in the world were released, too late, she slammed the lid closed but the only thing left in the box is hope thank you for that. I made this piece in 2016-17 and I hold on to the hope if better things to come.
Annaliese Bischoff
“Reincarnation 1”
20"x 10"x 12", Plastic bags and plastic packing bubbles
First recorded in the mid 19th century, reincarnation refers to a new embodiment. In this work plastic bags and plastic packing bubbles come back as a new superbug, to haunt us eternally. And this larger than life plastic roach-hopper-fly can do just that. It's more than creepy. As our plastic problem evolves, it will not go away without serious superhuman action.
Penny Armentrout Brooks
“AZ Blue Whiskers"
About 6" long 10" circumference, Paper Mache and wire
Ellen Burnett
“A Misbegotten Guess”
10.75"h x 14"w x 4"d, Mixed Media including glass, grapevines, bleached coral, sea shells, paper, lino, plastic, turquoise, feathers, laser-cut polyester, circuit board.
General disenchantments and things saved for ages in hope and sorrow
Ellen Burnett
4"h x 10.5"w x 5.25"d, acrylic, paper: junk mail
$900 for the set, $65 ea. (there are 14 of them).
Angelyn Chandler
4” x 4” x 2.5”, Pulp paper package
To me, pulp packaging material is architectural in nature; by cutting into and combining these forms, I am able to create new and previously-unimaginable architectures.
Irene Christensen
“Regrette Rien"
13 “ x 5” x 4", Found medicine bottle and wooden box and clock, weathered shrunken glove, photo
Edith Piaf is the very symbol of love, sorrow, music. This little work is a tribute to her.
Harry Delorme
“Blue Plastic River”
21.5” x 31 .5”, Found plastic from Savannah River over acrylic on panel.
May Deviney
12.5 ” x 9” x 2”, Avon Bottle Topper, Paintbrush, Gold Ribbon from Candy
This is a found-object piece made from a heavily damaged house paintbrush with an Avon bottle topper of a wedding groom mounted on the handle, with a glittery gold ribbon also decorating the handle. It is about the contrast between a really messy work implement paired with a formal, aloof piece that usually indicates grand culture, referring to persistent cultural conflicts.
Katie De Young
“Price to Pay”
15” x 12” x 1”, Copper wire, Used inner bicycle tire, red wire
An abstract interpretation of people spending copious amounts of money on beauty products and plastic surgeries, because they are influenced by the media's unrealistic beauty standard.
Kiffi Diamond
“Visiting The City”
16 “x12”, Mixed media
A couple from the country taking a city walk: created with rusty bits of found metal.
Céline Downen
“10 Days of Laundry”
26” x 30” x.125”, Fiber Art – felted laundry lint.
In 10 Days of Laundry I’ve arranged the byproducts of day-to-day family life, including laundry lint, into, I hope, something beautiful.
Emily Eihoffer
“Lumpy Print 3”
26" x 24" x 1", Liquid foundation on plastic.
Myrna Minter Forster
8 3/4" x 12", Acrylic, paper mache, sequins, organza, rope, string, feathers on canvas.