May DeViney

May DeViney is an unrepentant Midwesterner, and remains so despite having lived in New York City, Brooklyn, southern Florida and in Massachusetts for nearly 20 years. She attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago where she absorbed the influences of the Chicago Imagists and iconoclastic art movements such as the Hairy Who. She left school early to study independently at workshops, seminars and classes under several prominent artists, most recently at the School of the
Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.
She has traveled throughout the United States and internationally. The experiences she has gained and her trenchant observations on the human condition are reflected in her work.
She began as a painter in oils and acrylics and her paintings have won awards in regional shows and in national competitions. But in recent years she has turned to mixed media constructions, which frequently incorporate paintings and found elements built into three-dimensional multi-media wall pieces and sculpture. These constructions exhibit a flavor of H.C. Westermann and Grant Wood combined with the styles of Renaissance historical and religious art. Her work has been included in juried shows at the regional and national levels and has been included in national publications.
She has remained a lifelong feminist, active in women’s’ rights organizations, and for several years has contributed art and design work to the Walk for Women’s Lives, a fundraising effort for domestic abuse shelters in the Concord, Massachusetts area. Feminist social commentary as well as church-state separation issues are some of the most recent concerns expressed in her work.